1. Do you prefer talking face-to-face, texting, phone, or something else?
  2. Do you think emojis help or hurt communication? Why?
  3. What are some polite ways to disagree with someone in English?
  4. Have you ever had to communicate with someone who didn’t speak your language? How did you manage?
  5. In your culture, do people use a lot of gestures while speaking? What do some common gestures mean?
  6. Have you ever had to "read between the lines" in a conversation? What happened? (idiom)
  7. Can you think of a time when someone “beat around the bush” instead of saying something directly? (idiom)
  8. Have you ever had to "clear the air" with someone after a misunderstanding? How did you do it? (idiom)
  9. Do you find it easy to "break the ice" in new situations, or do you prefer to wait for others to start talking? (idiom)
  10. Are you good at reading other people’s body language?
  11. Are there any communication rules in your culture that might be surprising to foreigners?
  12. Prayer is often called "talking to God." Do you think prayer is similar to and different from everyday communication?