1.      What are your first impressions of Manchester? How is it different from your hometown?

2.      When compared with your hometown, do you think Manchester is:

Big or small?

Busy or quiet?

Clean or polluted?

Friendly or unfriendly?

Convenient or inconvenient?

Safer or more dangerous?

More exciting and fun?


3.      What are your favourite places in Manchester you can recommend to your friends?

Your favourite restaurant / café?

Your favourite museum?

Your favourite place to take a walk?

Your favourite activity?


4.      What are the places you still want to visit next? What activities would you like to try in Manchester?


5.      Where do you think local Mancunians like to hang out?


What do locals say when they ask their friends to go out?


What are the things locals like to talk about when they are hanging out at the pub?