1. Say something people didn’t know about yourself.


2. Have you ever been to the UK before? How do you feel about being here?


3. Before you arrived, what did you think the UK would be like?


4. Have you ever lived away from home before?

·         If yes, where and when did you live away from home?

·         What other countries have you visited even for short periods of time?


5. What have you seen already in this country that is strange to you?

  • What might British people find strange in your country?


6. Is there anything that you wish you knew before you came or that you would like to know now?


7. What things do you miss about your home country now?


8. What are the things you don’t miss about your home country now?


9. What are you looking forward to in the UK? What are your hopes?


10. Can we help you by connecting you with other activities for International Students?