1. What do you like / dislike about Christmas in the UK?

2. What would be your dream Christmas holidays?

3. Do you prefer spending Christmas with friends or with family?

4. Do you have any travel plans for the winter holidays? Where would you like to go?

5. What do you like to do on a snowy day?

6. Do you have any memorable winter experiences?

7. What winter holidays are celebrated in your culture or country?

8. Have you ever experienced a white Christmas or a snowy holiday season?

9. Are you a ‘party animal’? Do you usually enjoy Christmas parties?

10. Do you have any special family recipes or dishes that you prepare for gatherings?

11. What activities do you enjoy with your family during the holidays? Are there any family traditions you follow during holiday gatherings?

Christmas Bingo!

Have never owned a Christmas jumper


Have a Christmas tree at home

Spending my Christmas in Manchester for the first time


Christmas is my favourite time of the year





Have a favourite Christmas carol

Hate mince pies

Have built a snowman before

Will go to more than one Christmas Carols services this year




Have supported charities during Christmas times



Love mulled wine

Not a fan of the Christmas season

Organizing a Christmas party some time


I can explain the original meaning of Christmas





Still sending paper Christmas cards to friends/family



Have a Christmas wreath at home




It usually snows in my home country in December

Love watching Christmas movies

Love to wear Christmas jumpers



I prefer spending Christmas in hot weather





Going back to my hometown for Christmas

Decorated my living room for Christmas

I used to believe in Santa Claus

Will spend New Years Eve with friends and count down to near year

Love mince pies

I have read the story of the birth of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew / Luke