Questions you can ask

What do you enjoy doing?
What hobbies do you have?
What do you do in your spare / free time?

How to reply

I’m interested in (+ noun / gerund)

I like (gerund)

I like to (verb)
I’m keen on (+ noun / gerund)
I’m into (+ noun / gerund)
I enjoy (+ noun / gerund)

“I’m really keen on football.”
“I’m really into geneaology.”

Asking about hobbies

how often do you …

When did you start?

When I was… I began to be interested in…


Phrasal Verb

Interested in

Keen on

Take up

Saying why you like your hobby

“I like arts and crafts. I’m a creative / practical person, and like doing things with my hands.”

“I’m an outgoing person, and like socialising / hanging out with friends.”

“I enjoy being physically active, I like to move around.”

“I enjoy thinking

You can also explain why you spend time on your hobby to make the conversation longer and more interesting.

“I really enjoy going to the gym because…”

…it keeps me fit.
…it gets me out of the house, you know!
…it’s sociable. I’ve met lots of new people.
…it gives me something interesting to do with my time.
…it’s not very expensive, and anyone can do it!

… I’ve always enjoyed painting and drawing.
… Because my job is technical, it’s good to spend time doing something completely different.
… I enjoy spending time making things like clothes.

More words that you can use to describe your hobbies:



physically active


1.     Have you changed your hobbies over time?

            Yes. When I was………, I used to like………. But now ………

            No. I have always liked……. because….

2.     What are some of the strangest hobbies you have heard of?

3.     Do you and your family members share similar hobbies?

4.     What hobbies are common in your country?