Questions about preferences:

 Which do you prefer, football or volleyball?

 Which do you like better, tea or coffee?

 Do you prefer hot coffee or ice coffee?

 Would you prefer to go for a walk or see a movie?

 Would you rather have dinner with children or without children?



Expressing Preferences:

 I prefer tea to coffee.

 I’d prefer to have some water.

 I like tea better than coffee.

 I prefer reading books.

 I prefer jogging to running.

 I’d prefer living in a city to living in the country.

 I would rather go home.

 I’d rather stay at home than go out.

 I’d rather take a nap than go for a walk.

 I’d rather play football than golf.


Now ask your friends about their preferences in the following:

Coffee/tea                   house/flat                   winter/summer                      bread/pasta

Andriod/Apple                       Chinese/Indian food              bus/train                    city/suburb

backpack/tote bag                  real plants/artificial plants                salad/cooked vegetables

      (think of your own questions)       .