1. What are you thankful for in your life?
  2. Can you share a personal story of a time when you felt especially grateful?
  3. Are there things you find difficult to be thankful for?
  4. What are you thankful for in Manchester?
  5. What are you not thankful for in Manchester?
  6. Sometimes when we have moved to a new country, we realize there are things we had taken for granted in our home country. Have you experienced this since moving to the UK?
  7. How do you think technology and social media have affected the way people express gratitude?
  8. How do people show appreciation to friends, family and colleagues at work in your culture?
  9. How does the weather change in your country during autumn? What is your favourite thing about autumn?
  10. Do you have any special traditions or holidays in the fall? Are there any foods or drinks that are popular in your culture during autumn?
  11. How does the change in daylight hours affect your daily routine in the fall?
  12. How much do you know about the historical origin of the American Thanksgiving? Try to Google it and explain its history.



Put up with: To tolerate or endure something unpleasant.
Example: "I can't put up with his constant complaining anymore."

Carry on: To continue with an activity or action.
Example: "We'll carry on with the project despite the challenges."

Get by: To manage or survive with limited resources.
Example: "It's tough to get by on such a low income."

Count your blessings: to think about and be thankful for the good things in your life, even in difficult times.
Example: "Even though I'm facing some challenges, I try to count my blessings and stay positive."

Give thanks from the bottom of one's heart: This idiom expresses sincere and heartfelt gratitude.
Example: "I want to give thanks from the bottom of my heart for all your help and support."

In someone's debt: to owe someone a debt of gratitude for something they've done for you.
Example: "I'm forever in your debt for saving my cat when it got stuck in that tree."

A token of appreciation: a small gift or gesture given to show gratitude.
Example: "I brought a bouquet of flowers as a token of appreciation for your help."