1. What is ‘patience’? Is it important?

2. Are you a patient person, or do you get impatient quickly? What is the longest you’ve ever had to wait for something?

3. What is something that really tests your patience? Is it slow internet, long lines, or something else? Can you think of a funny time when you lost your patience?

4. Has anyone in your life been very patient and kind to you when you made a mistake? How did it make you feel?

5. Patience heroes: Who is the most patient person you know? What makes them so patient?

6. Learning patience: Do you think it’s easy or difficult to learn patience? What’s a good game or activity that helps you practice patience? (like puzzles, fishing, or long video games)

7. Clay & Pottery: Have you ever tried creating something with pottery? What was it like?

8. If you could make any object out of clay, what would you create?

9. Does your culture have any special pottery designs or styles? What do they look like, and what are they used for?