The Exam

Paper 1 - 2 hours,   Choose 3 questions, knowledge-based only, 20 marks each, total 60 marks
No. of potential questions
You need to choose
Question type
Choose 2 (out of 8) questions for Section A
Each question has 3 parts:
(a) Describe …..   (5 marks)
(b) Why…..     (7 marks)
(c) How far..… (8 marks)
B (Depth Studies)
Choose any 1 question for Section B
Section A:
questions #1-3 is on 1848 Revolutions, German unification, Italian unification, American Civil War, or Japan modernization
question #4      is on First World War
questions #5-6 is on either Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, or Causes of WWII
questions #7-8 is on either Who's to blame for starting the Cold War, How USA contained communism, or United Nations, or How USSR controlled Eastern Europe

Paper 2 - 2 hours,       Source-based questions only,  total 50 marks
Topic for June 2014
Question type

Cuban Missile Crisis


Vietnam War

How far does Source X agree with Source Y?
Are you surprised by Source X? / Does Source Y make you surprised by Source Z?
Is one of these sources more useful than the other in showing… ?
Does Source X prove Source Y wrong?
How far do all sources support the view that the Treaty of Versailles was fair? (12 marks)

Paper 4 - 1 hour only,   Depth Studies only,   both source-based and knowledge-based questions,   total 40 marks
Question type

Can be Weimar Germany (1918-33) or/and Nazi Germany (1933-45)

(i) What can you tell from Source A about…. ? (6 marks)
(ii) How far does Source B show that…. ? (7 marks)
(iii) Is one of these sources more useful than the other as evidence for…… ? (7 marks)

(i) Describe …. (2 marks)
(ii) Describe the event of…. (5 marks)
(iii) Why did …… (6 marks)
(iv) “…………was………....” How far do you agree with this statement? (8 marks)