Speaking Topic: A friend you think would be a good leader


A. Speaking Practice


You should say:       Some information about your friend

                                 How you know him/her

                                 How other people behave/act towards him/her

Why you think this person is a good leader



B. Vocabulary match

i. He has been calling the shots on our team for years.

ii. If you want a job at that company, you need to talk to the movers and shakers.

iii. The powers that be decided that my job was no longer needed.

iv. Why does he keep lording it over everyone?


a. The people in charge, often used when the speaker does not want to identify them.

b. The people who have power to make decisions.

c. Someone who makes all the important decisions.

d. To act like you are very important & have power to tell others what to do.



C. Qualities (important things) of leadership

1. Why do some people want to be leaders?

2. What skills do leaders need?

3. What are important personal qualities of leaders?

4. Do you someone who is a leader but doesn’t behave like one?

5. Do you anyone who isn’t a leader but behaves like one?



D. Leadership style

1. What do you understand by servant leadership?

2. Do to others as you would like them to do to you. Discuss.



E. Reading

1. People in this world love to show their power and importance by telling others what to do. If you want to be great, read some advice from Jesus by scanning below (Mark 10:42-45).