Say:    The last time you ate bread.     Where you were.   

What you ate with the bread.    How it tasted.


Vocabulary:             sliced bread               loaf of bread              crust               crumb


Expressions:           Who is the breadwinner in your family?              


My new phone is the best thing since sliced bread.



1.     Do you like bread? Or do you prefer something else?

2.     How important is bread in your daily diet?

3.     Is bread or rice a better staple food?

4.     Do you prefer white or brown bread?

5.     What is the best way of eating bread?

6.     What is your favourite thing to put on bread?

7.     Do you like toast?

8.      Do you ever leave the crusts?

9.      What do you think of the smell of freshly baked bread?

10.   Have you ever tried baking bread yourself?

11.   Are there any special bread-related traditions in your family or community?

12.  After English, we have a Bible story in Easy English. In this story, Jesus talks about bread. Read more here (John 6:25-40)