1.       To butter someone up

2.       A piece of cake

3.       To go bananas

4.       To have bigger fish to fry

5.       To be in hot water / in the soup

6.       To stir the pot

7.       To spice things up

8.       To go sour

9.       To bite off more than you can chew

10.   To spill the beans

11.   To have a lot on one's plate

12.   To hand something on a silver platter

A.      Something very easy to do.

B.      To be in trouble or a difficult situation.

C.      To reveal a secret or confidential information.

D.      To have a lot of tasks to do already.

E.       To have more important things to deal with.

F.       To give someone something for free without them doing anything.

G.      To flatter or praise someone in order to gain favour.

H.      To cause trouble or conflict.

I.         To become crazy or very excited.

J.        To add excitement or variety to something.

K.       To take up more responsibilities than you can handle.

L.       To turn bad, usually referring to a situation.



1. Can you describe a special meal you have eaten in your life? What made that meal special to you?

2. Who did you share this special meal with? What foods were served during this special meal? Was there a specific occasion or celebration that the meal was associated with?

3. Have you ever had a meal prepared by someone from a very different culture? What did you learn from that experience?

4. Have you ever had a meal that was so bad that you couldn't forget it? What was it?

5. Have you been in a dinner event where there wasn’t enough food? What happened?

6. Would you prefer an intimate meal with a small group of people, or a big feast with lots of people?

7. How have modern influences or globalization impacted the way special meals are prepared and celebrated?