1. Are you a safety-conscious person? What about your family?
  2. Do you feel safe in Manchester in general? What would be your greatest safety concern in the UK?
  3. What safety precautions are commonly practiced in your home country or culture?
  4. What are the different types of safety concerns when we travel? How do you stay safe when traveling?
  5. What safety measures do you take when walking or biking in your neighbourhood?
  6. Are there any cultural traditions related to safety, such as rituals before embarking on a journey?
  7. What is the major emergency contact number in your country? Have you used it before?
  8. Do you have any advice for newcomers to your country about staying safe?
  9. How do you prepare for natural disasters or extreme weather in your region?
  10. What safety measures should people take in crowded places or during public events?
  11. How do you handle safety concerns related to technology and the internet?
  12. Do you think safety concerns have changed over time? How?