1.      Do you enjoy shopping alone or with your family or friends?

2.      Are you a ‘window-shopping’ person?

3.      How is shopping in the UK different from shopping in your country?

4.      Do you often compare prices before you buy something?

5.      Do you shop online often? Why or why not?

6.      Are you good at bargaining?

7.      Are brand names important to you?

8.      Do you check the nutritional information on the packaging when buying food?

9.      Have you experienced any scam or fraud when shopping? What happened?

10.  Research has found that Brits spend over £3 billion on impulse buys every month. Do you make impulse buys?

11.  Do you believe in ‘retail therapy’? Why do you think some people become shopaholics? (Shopaholics are people who cannot stop buying things)?

Phrasal Verbs in shopping:

Try on                   Go through (card payment)                         Pop in                    Sold out

Rip off                   Look out for                        Shop around