1.      When was the last time you felt under the weather? What happened?

2.      How long does it usually take you to get over a cold or a flu?

3.      Do you believe in home remedies to fight off illnesses? Which traditional remedies or herbal medicines are popular in your culture?

4.      Have you ever come down with a serious illness? How did you handle it?

5.      Have you ever had to put up with a chronic illness or pain? How did you manage it?

6.      Some people feel their bodies are different after moving to a different continent. Do you feel your body is the same or different since you settled in the UK?

7.      Do you believe sometimes illnesses can be caused by emotions?

8.      How has modern medicine changed the way illnesses are treated in your country?



1.     Under the weather

2.     Alive and kicking

3.     Go under the knife  /  go into theatre

4.     be back on my/his/her feet



Phrasal Verbs related to health

(in,  on,  away,  out,  up,  off,  down)


You’ll throw __________ if you are eating too much.

Be sick, vomit

I’m feeling under the weather. I’m afraid I need to

call __________ sick.

Sick leave

I think I’m coming _____________ with a cold.

Starting to catch a cold

It took me weeks to get __________ a cold.

Recover, get better

I'll pass ______________ if I can’t breathe.

faint, lose consciousness

My nose is completely blocked ________________


Eat oranges to help fight _______________ a cold.

stop yourself getting ill

A rash broke _______________ all over my body.

something appears suddenly

I have put ________________ a lot of weight recently because

I ate too much!


He passed ________________ peacefully in the night.
