1. Do you think you are good at managing your time? Or are you a ‘last-minute’ person?
  2. Do you have a habit of procrastinating? Can you describe a time when you procrastinated on something?
  3. Do you use any digital tools or technology to help manage your time?
  4. How is punctuality (being on time) viewed in your culture? How do people react to lateness in your culture?
  5. Can there be any benefits to procrastinating?
  6. What advice would you give to someone who struggles with procrastination, based on your own experiences?
  7. Is it important to have "me time" to you? Why or why not?
  8. Do you feel your experience of time management in the UK is different from it in your home country?
  9. Do you think certain cultures are more prone to procrastination? Why or why not?
  10. Does your culture have any idioms or expressions related to time or time management?



Phrasal Verbs

  1. Catch up (with/on)
    • I need to catch up on my emails before the meeting.
  2. Put off
    • I always put off doing my taxes until the last minute.
  3. Set aside
    • I set aside two hours every day for focused writing.
  4. Get on (with)
    • I should get on with my work instead of browsing the internet.
  5. Run out (of)
    • I've run out of time to finish this project today.
  6. Stay on track:
    • We should stay on track and not be distracted. Otherwise, we won’t finish the project before the deadline.
  7. Spread out
    • Don't cram! It's better to spread out your study sessions over several days.
  8. Wrap up

·         We need to wrap up this meeting in the next 10 minutes.